POP - SOT: Cliffs and Waterfall

Here, Prince comes to the place, where he fell down in his Vision, but fortunately nothing happens like that. Maybe, the Vision is slightly distorted and wrong. The Door to the next place, The Baths is straight head, but closed. So, the Prince searches for and finds the lever to open the door and opens it. Here, the Prince doesnt swings through the poles and climbs the Columns, but he swings through the branches of tree and climbs up the trees itself. On the way, he fights a number of Giant Sand Crows, which die in just one shot. Here, the Prince's stats are 5 Sand Tanks and 5 Power Tanks with 3 Life Upgrades. Upto this Save, 33% of the game is completed

Some Screenshots:
prince of persia, sands of time, game, action, screenshot, prince
prince of persia, sands of time, game, action, screenshot, prince, farah


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