Gothic 1: Found a way to open the Old Mine

I dont know what to do with the closed gate of Old Mine. So, searched for the solution in the Internet and came to know that it is a bug, which cant be bugged. But, there is technique to go into the closed gate, which is not even a a cheat. It is very simple. All you have to do is equip the pick axe and target the Ore piece in the wall inside, but close to the gate and start mining it. You will automatically go inside the gate close to that ore. Huraaayyyy!!! A game bug is solved by bad physics in the game. I should have guessed this before a week, so that I could have saved a week of bory play. But, anyway, because of this bug only, I raided Old Camp, Orc Land and levelled up several times and got so many items with me now.


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