Evil Dead: Journey Continues

Now I am in the woods. Here, fought a bunch of weak deadites and after sometime, possesed Sam and ride a big Deadite. Then, some high tense hack n smack will be there, which is followed by a short video, in which Ash got a brand new weapon, The Harpoon Gun. Also, a new kind of deadite, Harpy, comes hereafter. Then Ash go through a series of underground mines and finally come to Forsaken Mines.
Evil Dead Regeneration Screenshots: Harpoon GunEvil Dead Regeneration Screenshots: Peeper

In Forsaken Mines, Ash's favourite Monster, Peeper is there. So, Ash and Sam plays some soul catching games and finally goes through the Peeper to encounter a Boss Monster, Big Miner.
Evil Dead Regeneration Screenshots: Big Miner Evil Dead Regeneration Screenshots: Big Miner Evil Dead Regeneration Screenshots: Big Miner  Dead

This Monster is not so cool. He is very easy to kill. Ash even need not go close to him to perform Melee attacks. What I done is, circled around him evading the stones that fall and shooting him all the time with my Shot gun. In the middle, I turned Evil Ash(turned on Rage mode) and this makes my process fast. I took him down at ease.

Then, Ash comes to a Shipyard, where another Peeper is waiting for Ash. Here, a new deadite, Bloated Toxic Deadite appears. It will come near Ash, and explodes releasing toxic gas. The best way to kill them at safer distance is to use our old Handy gun, Pistol.
Evil Dead Regeneration Screenshots: Shipyard Evil Dead Regeneration Screenshots: Shipyard

There, In a boat, Ash will get a Super weapon, Rocker Launcher. I am still in the mission of catching the souls for our evil friend Peeper.
Evil Dead Regeneration Screenshots: Instant Killing a deadite Evil Dead Regeneration Screenshots: Kicking Sam into the Mouth of Peeper Evil Dead Regeneration Screenshots: Peeper chewed up Sam



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