Morrowind: I am Back
I almost forgot Morrowind, because of my tight schedules. Also, I set the difficulty setting to 100 a long back and its hard for me to fight people there. So, I just decided to reduce the difficulty and quickly finish the game... Now I am travelling with my mates Bralas Andaren, Luthien Morvayn and Shareel. Actually Bralas and Luthien were in Solthiesm, since I took them with me for my solthiesm hunt and left them there. I just took them to Morrowind by swimming all the way to Gnisis. My Main Mission Status: I already became the Hortator of all the houses and now I am to convince all the four tribes to accept me as their leader. Also, I already became the leader of Urshilaku Camp. Now i need to convince the other 3 tribes to complete the fifth trial. So, I decided to visit Zainab camp first. From Gnisis, we started our journey to Zainab Camp and on the way met sooo many devil monste...