RCT 3: Gold Rush

Gold Rush is an old abandoned boring mine at the heart of a desert, with a mine coaster and few other attractions. The objective of this game is to gain a stable monthly income of $700.00, build few excitements and coasters of long length and to repay the debts.

roller,coaster,tycoon,3,rct 3,goldrush,screenshot,desert,overview,start

I started with few gentle and thrill rides and sparkled a number of stalls and shops here and there. Then, I built a mini-rail that takes peeps throughout the park and gives them a overview of the whole park. By this time, I got a steady flow of cash in and so I started working on a coaster. It was a suspended coaster and helped me move to my goals fast.

By this time, I re-payed my loans and have a steady cash flow. So, waited for sometime to get some more money and built a ready made roller coaster, which helped me reach the Tycoon objective of the Goldrush theme park.

roller,coaster,tycoon,3,rct 3,screenshot,mini,train,goldrush,desert

Goldrush was a piece of cake and next is the Checkered Flag, about which I will post tomorrow...


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