Need For Speed World: BETA

     Yeah!!! I got the Invitation to participate in NFS World Beta. I applied for this some 2 or 3 months back and was very eagerly awaiting for the invitation. Several Beta sessions got over and finally I got into the NFS World this time :D

     Now the game has two major divisions of races. One is racing versus other players like PvP(normal races has a Single Player option too, not yet tried it) and the other is Pursuit with the cops like PvE. As far as I played, racing versus other players is very hard for me, but very rewarding though I get the last position.

     The sad thing is my poor system cant handle the heavy World and crashes like every 30 minutes or so. Afterall, its just BETA still, so no worries.

     I ll just post screenshots here… Will write more about the Beta later…


My First Race: Got 7th Place


Free Roaming


More details,



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