My Gaming Activity for the past 1 Month

Its been a long time since my last post, almost a month. Actually I was not playing any games seriously for the past one month. All this because of the hectic project I am doing and my College Symposium, Callida. But once in a while, I play Last Chaos, Track Mania and few flash games.

In Last Chaos, I made some good progress in terms of my financial status. I used to buy and sell things daily and made like 1 billion in de past month and bought few good accessories. Now my accessories include

  • 3 x 90% crit (ea costs around 250M, but i bought for all 3 for 630M... thx to Arun for selling me at cheap rate)
  • 2 x Tears of Knight (ToK)
  • A 93 HR, 2 x 56 Eva Accessory
  • Few Stone of Shadows (SoS)

And I learned an important lesson, which also applies to my Real Life. Its “NEVER TRUST ANYONE”… Its because of the following two incidents

Rocky987 was one of my close friend in LC and I trusted him with my 33+15 sword. He told me that he will use that sword till he levels to 40+ and return back the sword along with 10 HS. But later, when I asked him, that fking retard is telling me that he never borrowed that sword from me.

Also a titan named Morrowind was a good friend of mine and so I lended him a Titan event Weapon +12. Since then, I never seen him online. He just disappeared with my sword

Few notable things that happened in the past 1 month:

  1. Joined the guild Violaters (
  2. Bought a level 6 Ichi and trained it to level 12.
  3. Made 1 level from 49 to 50 with the skills maxed.
  4. and 1 more important sad thing about a old friend, to know what it is click here

Apart from Last Chaos, I played Age of Empires 2 online with my friend Sridhar.


More Later

Saiyasodharan. R


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