Morrowind: Ajira and her Silly missions

I went to Mages Guild and spoke to Ajira. She had a series of some silly quests for me.
The first quest is to collect some flowers. Those flowers are not of very rare type. Also, I already had those flowers and gave those to Ajira. She thanked me and gave me the next quest. It is to buy her a Ceramic Bowl for her from Ra'Virr. I did that too.

With all the help I did to her, she completed her experiments and her prepared her report. But Galbedir had stolen her reports and hiden it somewhere. She wanted me to find that missing reports. Both the reports are inside the Mages guild only and I found them with ease. I returned that reports to her and she thanked me again. Also, she have no more quests for me and she told me to visit Mages Guild in other towns for more mission.


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