Last Chaos: LVL 33: Leveling

After a long time, i went to Monster Combo with my friend RavenSwan. We started well, but in the middle, i had some problem in game. I cant click anywhere, so i cant move or kill anything and because of that, we failed and came back. But, we will surely go again and succeed.

To level, i chose Poison Mists for grinding. They are of lvl 39, but my gear were upgraded enough to handle them . To me, they are a kind of special monster in the game. Because they drop Mist Eye, which is one of quest item of Ichi pet mission. So, i m now grinding them , mainly to get enough Mist Eyes to get myself an Ichi. I started grinding these monsters, when my experience was at 18%. Now, my experience is at 86%. I am not using Experience Boosters of any kind. I spended like some 6-7 hours from 18% to 86%. But got only 6 Mist Eyes. It drops like 1 per hour.

When I was grinding them, the Boss Monster Kamira appeared and i told the party members about it. Immediately, a guy named 7ycka, who is in my party came to fight Kamira. He is lvl 51 only and Kamira is lvl 70. I thought that, he will surely die, because its 20 lvls ahead of him. But to my surprise, he took it out easily and left behind some drops for me. Thanks 7ycka for the drops and you are really a good fighter. Here some screenshots of the fight between the brave 7ycka and frightening Kamira:

Adventures continue...


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